Surface Finish of Plastic Parts

The surface finish of a plastic part is a crucial aspect that defines the finishing applied in the mold tooling part. It is essential to select the appropriate surface finish at the mold design phase. Several finishing options are available, each suited to specific needs:

  • Industrial Polishing: This method simply reduces visible machining marks, making it an economical option for non-visible part surfaces like the inside of a housing or technical components.
  • Mirror Polishing: This process gives the part a smooth and shiny surface or allows transparency. It requires meticulous polishing with diamond paste, making it a more expensive option but offering high-level aesthetics.
  • Sandblasting: After industrial polishing, the surface is sandblasted to eliminate tooling marks and reduce the part’s gloss. This method can be adjusted for a more or less marked sandblasting, offering an economical solution for presentable parts.
  • Charmilles Grains 18, 24, 32, 36: These grains range from fine to coarse and are used for aesthetically parts. Using these grains requires a more significant draft angle to allow demolding without damaging the part.
The 2 other proposed appearance options for manufacturing with our molds.

Gas-Assisted Injection

Gas-assisted plastic injection, also known as gas-assisted injection molding (GAIM), is an advanced method used in plastic part manufacturing. This technique involves using a gas, typically nitrogen.

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Bi-Material plastic injection

Bi-material plastic injection, also known as bi-injection, is an advanced method for producing plastic parts. It involves two successive molding stages, each with a different thermoplastic material.

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